Joomla Websites in West Palm Beach
Action Website and SEO
for Joomla Websites in West Palm Beach
At Action Website and SEO we choose Joomla as our CMS (content management system) of choice. Although there are many CMS's to choose from, we've decided that Joomla is by far the best solution for our clients. The benefits are many.
What is Joomla?
Joomla is the award-winning content management system (CMS) that we use to build most of our user update-able websites. Joomla is an open source solution, and therefore has no expensive licensing fees that would drive the cost of a CMS website through the roof.
Who Uses Joomla?
- MTV Networks
- IHOP Restaurants
- Harvard University
- Citibank
- Outdoor Photographer Magazine
- Many Many More
What is a content management system (CMS)?
A content management system is software that keeps track of every piece of content on your Web site, and allows a person the ability to log on to a site from any computer connected to the internet and make changes to the content. Since the CMS manages all your content, you don't have to.
How are content management systems used?
Content management systems are the ideal solution for:
- Corporate Web sites or portals
- Corporate intranets and extranets
- Online magazines, newspapers, and publications
- E-commerce and online reservations
- Government applications
- Small business Web sites
- Non-profit and organizational Web sites
- Community-based portals
- School and church Web sites
- Personal or family homepages
If you think a CMS website may be the best way to market and promot your website on the Internet, give us a call at 561-358-2259, or E-mail us through our Contact Us page, and let us show you a demonstration of just how powerful Joomla is, and just how easy Joomla is to use. We create Joomla websites in West Palm Beach, and globally via the Internet. We also specialize in SEO for Joomla websites in West Palm Beach and throughout Palm Beach County.
We can create a Joomla website for you that will rank high on the search engines, and produce the results you're looking for.